

Our team of experienced professionals provides support to clients to attain resource optimization.

At JOIY Clinical Research Consulting (JCRC), we are aware of the costs of running clinical trials and preservation of the bottom line, so it is our passion to assist clients execute their programs efficiently and deliver on excellent results ahead of schedule at very reasonable costs.

JCRC provides a wide range of clinical research consulting services to the clinical divisions of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. We utilize our decades of experience in clinical research to offer oversight, risk mitigation, and study optimization.

Our Clinical Research Consulting Services:

  • Clinical development planning
  • Medical Monitoring
  • Study Physician services
  • Medical Safety and Pharmacovigilance
  • Clinical Monitoring (CRAs, Lead CRAs, CTMs etc.)
  • Clinical Research Project Management
  • Clinical trial support (CTAs, Clinical Project Associates)
  • Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Medical Writing services
  • Regulatory submission support

JOIY Clinical Research Consulting (JCRC) values intellectual capital, and we are cognizant of the experience required within the clinical research community. Therefore, we are fully vested in providing highly trained individuals for the execution of successful industry research to make every study inspection ready and to achieve the excellent results required for Health Authority submissions.

Adding Value to the Clinical Research Industry

We use the hard-earned knowledge and experience we’ve obtained from decades of clinical research to offer study oversight, risk mitigation, and optimization to our clients.

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